Show the highest-converting image every time

Lerna is the only image hosting platform with A/B testing built right in. That means your users only see your best.

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You obsess about your site's copy, design, and UX.

So why are you showing under-performing images?

With Lerna, you only show the highest-performing images to your users - and it all happens automatically. No more handholding, stressing about picking the "right" asset, or questioning whether your images are actually helping you convert.

Say hello to your favorite content editor

With our dynamic A/B testing, you'll spend no time finding the right assets to fit your content.

Stupid simple

You upload your photos through our simple drag and drop interface, and we handle the rest.

Crazy fast

All our images are served from the edge, which means that you get to take advantage of the cutting edge in CDN technology.


Want to host your own images? No problem. We support that too.


With analytics and automated image tagging (coming soon), you'll have plenty of data about which photos your users love.

How it works

Lerna uses a multi-armed bandit approach to A/B testing. The long and short of it is that we automatically show the highest-performing content, without any input. After an initial trial period (where we test for conversion rates), we'll show the images that lead to the most conversions - however you choose to define that. Want more signups? Great. More clicks onto a specific page? Easy. All we need to know is when a conversion happens.